Why Campamento Sol y Luna?
“No matter how homesick a child is at camp, the worst thing a parent can do is take him or her back home. This could mean running away from any situation that arises. Let your child know that you have confidence in his or her ability to cope. ”
Benefits of camping in life useful tips for parents useful tips for campers:
1.- A camp offers the perfect setting to appreciate nature. It provides a wide variety of outdoor activities that encourage children to be physically fit and improve their health.
2.- The camp experience can help the child to develop skills that he/she will need throughout his/her life:
- responsibility
- autonomy
- perseverance
- self-realization
- socialization
- respect and consideration for others
Camp Sol y Luna provides a healthy atmosphere that promotes the spiritual development of each child. Campers value their own individualities and are taught to value the uniqueness of all living things. The opportunity to increase knowledge and understanding is provided by exposure to new situations and people.
Tips for parents and children to make camp a positive experience:
Before the camp, approach your child and talk positively about the camp. Enthusiasm is contagious! Comment on the variety of activities to be done! Promote interest in new things and new friends to do.
Homesickness and homesickness is very common, especially for children leaving for the first time. Talk to your child about this and let him or her see that there are ways to get through this experience, such as taking a favorite book, pictures or souvenirs from home. Reassure him or her that as the days go by, he or she will feel better and better about being away from home and discover that he or she is capable of doing things without his or her parents; knowing that he or she is not really alone, as there will be other adults who care about his or her well-being. Assure them that they can talk to their counselors about any problems they may be having.
- Don’t be afraid to express your feelings. Talk to your counselors, they care about you and can give you suggestions.
- You will probably feel lonely at first, but you know that you will soon make new friends and together you will have a lot of fun.
- Bring things from home with you, such as your teddy bear, your favorite blanket, a book, photos of your family or even your pet, etc.
- Take the initiative to get involved in activities when you feel sad. Keeping busy and doing things with others can keep your mind clear.
- Pack with your parents before going to camp. This way you will be familiar with your clothes and other personal items.
“Campers are encouraged to love and respect themselves as well as others.”
- We understand the concerns and needs of parents when looking for a camp, for this reason we show you why we are the best option and the most committed in this type of activities.
- Because year after year we make more than 7,000 CHILDREN, teenagers and adults happy in our camps.
- We have HIGHLY TRAINED STAFF to handle the children.
- All our activity programs are appropriate to the age of the participants attending.
- We have 24 HOUR MEDICAL SERVICE within our facilities and hospitals are only minutes away from us.
- Our campsites are PRIVATE PROPERTY and for the exclusive use of children’s camps.
- We have full beds and bathrooms for all campers.
- All campers are INSURED AGAINST ACCIDENTS up to $50,000.00 with the Insurance Company. MAPFRE for the duration of the camp.
- And finally, because our commitment to children and parents is to achieve a positive, maturing and fun experience.
More than 7,000 Niños y Niñas Felices (Happy Children)
Highly Trained Staff
24 Hour Medical Service
Private and Exclusive Use Property
Accident Insurance