Our Staff
It is made up of young students from 18 to 22 years old, which, after a long and serious recruitment and selection process, They are trained to work with children and young people, receive courses on child psychology, recreation, child development policies, and other subjects. Campamento Sol y Lunaas well as first aid. Their training does not stop there, every week the entire staff meets to continue learning, that is to say, training is a continuous process, at the same time that the group is fed back with the experiences acquired.
Camp Sol y Luna counselors are the best example to follow during the camps because of their patience, responsibility and good humor; children are invited to go to their counselor in case they have any problem, as he/she will always be there when needed.
On average, counting all the staff, there are one adult for every 4 or 5 children. Each counselor has a group of no more than ten children (counselor if they are girls) and is directly responsible for making sure that the children and youth eat well, bathe, wear clean clothes and sleep well. The counselors are supervised by coordinators, and the coordinators are supervised by our Chief Executive Officer, Elizabeth Arredondo Vázquez.
Every summer we organize exchanges between our staff and other camps in the United States, Canada and the rest of America, in order to get even better trained and get to know new horizons: our permanent goal is to be the best!